Tabitha Yates

Tabitha Yates
Jesus Loving, Homeschooling Mama of 3 Amazing Kids, Veteran's Wife and Aspiring Author

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tight Rope:When your Best isn't Good Enough

Have you ever given everything you had within you and it just wasn't "good enough?"
Someone in your life literally communicated to you that your absolute best wasn't enough, whether by words, actions, disappointment or simply not supporting you.
Maybe you already know this, but those are not the kind of people you want to surround yourself with.

Do we want people in our lives that inspire us to be the best version of ourselves? Absolutely...
Do they get to decide what the best you looks like or tell you that who you are or the job you are doing isn't adequate? No!

I have found myself so many times in my life, trying to pull off an impossible tight rope act.
 I am striving to be someone ELSE'S version of good enough and I'll fall every time. 
But you know what I've finally figured out?
 I don't OWE anyone better than my best.
That's all I can give, it's all I've got. 
I don't owe anyone perfection.

 Maybe you hold yourself to an impossible standard, or maybe someone in your life makes you strive for it; because every time you show your humanity, your tears, your disappoints them or worse, it angers them.
If someone doesn't love you in the moment that you fall off your tight rope, then their love is conditional and self serving.
If a person's absolute 1st instinct is not to pick you up off the floor, when you've collapsed and fallen in your exhaustion and anxiety from holding it together for so long, if they don't tell you that it is okay and you don't have to try so hard and they'll love you no matter what; then they aren't the ones who deserve to get the best of you.
Don't ever let anyone else set you up to fall and do not allow anyone to ever tell you that falling isn't okay.
Lastly, don't invest in people who will not only let you, but will push you towards killing yourself to be perfect. 
I promise you no one is worth that kind of effort. Your best is enough...every time. 

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