Tabitha Yates

Tabitha Yates
Jesus Loving, Homeschooling Mama of 3 Amazing Kids, Veteran's Wife and Aspiring Author

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Silence:Breaking Free From Destructive Self Talk

This year became my moment. My year for realizing that I could take all the power back.
Maybe you've grown up in an abusive household where your very core beliefs about yourself were shaped by the damaging message that you'll never be good enough as you are,that you are unlovable or you are not worthy.
Perhaps you had/have a toxic spouse or parent or friend in your life and the things they have spoken over you became your truth. You let it sink in until it became the voice in your head, the message that you repeated to yourself over and over again.
I had a powerful moment in counseling this year, where I was asked to look around and point out the people who have so damaged my sense of self.
 Guess what? They aren't here.
Some of them haven't been in my life for 20 plus years, but I have allowed them to rent the space in my head for SO long and every time I look in the mirror or I start to feel insecure about myself or feel unwanted or unsure of my place in this world...rather than going to the One who made me and loves me unconditionally and in place of reaching out and surrounding myself with positive people who will speak good things into my life; I press play. I listen to the voice in my head that I grew up with.
The second I caught myself saying out loud and speaking over myself what was once said to me as a child, "No one likes people like you." I decided that was it!!
No one is actively here in my life saying these hurtful things to me. I am telling them to myself.
I am LETTING these terribly broken people, who in turn wounded me, to live on in my heart and mind and just repeating what they have said over and over again, like a tape recorder in my brain and I'm done.
I can say NO..this is not who I am. I can say NO, this is not who God made me. I can say GET OUT of my HEAD and I have all the power to never ever let them in again.
I can be free and so can you...don't waste one more second giving your abuser's power. Don't let another moment go by, hating yourself, because someone else hated you for shining too bright. If they aren't out there feeling bad about what they have done to you, don't you dare throw away another moment of the joy you can find without them.
Silence their voice once and for all...

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